Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents



The Board Chair appoints the membership of each of these standing committees, including the committee chair. Each committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the full Board pertaining to items within its area of oversight. Following is a brief description of the functions and responsibilities of the standing committees of the Board:

  1. Academic Affairs, Policy and Personnel
    This committee provides oversight and review of the Institutions’ academic missions, as well as policies and resources needed to realize those missions; execution of the Board’s strategic priorities; and the quality and integrity of the Institutions’ academic programs. The committee also provides governance oversight on such matters as academic program development, review, accreditation and discontinuance; student admission and performance standards; major academic initiatives; and maintaining an appropriate balance among teaching, research, scholarship, and services; faculty tenure; and personnel under the jurisdiction of the Board and its Institutions.

  2. Audit, Risk Management and Compliance Review
    This committee provides oversight and review of the quality and integrity of the accounting and financial reporting practices; integrity of the financial statements of the Institutions governed by the Board; adequacy of the internal control environment and its continuous improvement; Institutions’ compliance with legal, regulatory, and other external compliance requirements; the internal auditing function; any independent auditor whom the Board may employ; adequacy of risk management processes; and compliance with Institutional and Board Policies.

  3. Facilities
    This committee provides oversight of construction, renovation, and maintenance of all Institutional and Board-owned buildings, grounds, roads, and related structures. Oversight of ordinary maintenance of buildings and related equipment is also within the purview of this committee.

  4. Finance
    This committee is responsible for safeguarding and monitoring the Institutions’ financial stability and long-term economic health. This committee serves as the Board’s principal forum for the consideration of matters relating to the Institutions’ financial operations, administration, budgeting, financing, debt, financial reporting, and financial reserves.

  5. Evaluation and Compensation Committee
    This committee is responsible for providing recommendations to the full Board on matters regarding evaluation methodology and compensation items.

  6. Executive Committee
    This committee is comprised of the Board Chair, Vice Chair, immediate Past Chair, and Board CEO, and is responsible for responding to issues that may arise between Regular Board Meetings and that do not require action by the full Board.

Special committees and/or task forces may be appointed as the Chair of the Board directs. The Board Chair shall appoint a chair for any special committee and/or task force created. Special committees and/or task forces cease to exist when discharged by the Board Chair from further consideration of the subject.

The Board Chair and the CEO shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members of all standing committees, special committees, and task forces.

Standing committees, special committees, and task forces are not decision-making bodies but are authorized to make recommendations to the full Board for its consideration or action.

Approved Date: 
September 6, 1969
Revised Date: 
June 20, 1997
March 1, 2013
June 14, 2024
Amended Date: 
September 14, 2012
September 6, 2013
June 22, 2018