Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents



Connors State College
Ron Ramming, President
Langston University
Ruth Jackson, President
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
Kyle Stafford, President
Oklahoma Panhandle State University
Julie Dinger, President
Oklahoma State University Jim Hess, Interim President, Oklahoma State University and OSU System
OSU-Oklahoma City Ronna Vanderslice, Provost and Vice President
OSU Institute of Technology Ronna Vanderslice, Provost and Vice President
Johnny Stephens, Interim President
OSU-Center for Health Sciences
Johnny Stephens, President
OSU/A&M Board of Regents
Jason Ramsey, Chief Executive Officer


Connors State College
Chris McBeath, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Langston University
Alonzo Peterson, Vice Presdent for Academic Affairs
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
Dustin Grover, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Oklahoma Panhandle State University Charla Lewis, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Oklahoma State University
Jeanette Mendez, Provost and Senior Vice President
OSU-Oklahoma City
Evan Burkala, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
OSU Institute of Technology
W. Trey Hill, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
OSU-Tulsa Hope Geiger, Director, Academic Affairs and Graduate Student Services
OSU-Center for Health Sciences
Johnny Stephens, President (or Designee)
OSU/A&M Board of Regents
Jason Ramsey, Chief Executive Officer


Connors State College
Mike Lewis, Vice President of Fiscal Services
Langston University Nykkia Harris, Controller
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College Brandon Glick, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs
Oklahoma Panhandle State University Elizabeth McMurphy, Vice President of Fiscal Affairs
Oklahoma State University
Chris Kuwitzky, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial/Administrative Officer
Tammy Eck, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance
OSU Center for Health Sciences/
OSU-College of Osteopathic Medicine
Eric Polak, Vice President of Administration and Finance, OSU Center for Health Sciences
Kevin Holmes, Associate Vice President, Budget and Finance
OSU-Oklahoma City
Ronda Reece, Vice President for Budget and Finance
OSU Institute of Technology
Kristin Jasper, Vice President of Fiscal Services
OSU-Tulsa Craig Freeman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Ashley Jackson, Assistant Vice President, Administration and Finance
OSU/A&M Board of Regents
Jason Ramsey, Chief Executive Officer
Michelle Finley, Chief Audit Executive