Board Appellate Procedures
This Policy establishes procedures for the perfecting of an appeal to the Board and the conduct of the appeal.
- Definitions.
- The term “Board” means The Board of Regents for the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges.
- The term “Institution” means Oklahoma State University and its branch campuses, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Langston University, Connors State College, and Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College.
- The term “Appeal” means the procedure used to contest an official action, or decision, of any Institution under the control of the Board. The hearing of appeals is mandatory only in cases involving termination of tenured professors. Appeals arising from other categories may be allowable at the discretion of the Board.
- The term “Petitioner” means the person perfecting an Appeal under the procedure outlined herein.
- Request for Hearing.
- A request for a hearing before the Board shall be initiated by the Petitioner within fourteen (14) days of the action or decision being appealed.
- The petition shall state the following items:
- The Institution concerned.
- The individual or entities under the Institution concerned.
- The nature of the action or decision that causes the Appeal to be instituted.
- The date of the action or decision.
- The place of the action or decision.
- How the action or decision has adversely affected the Petitioner.
- Any law or Board policy or institutional policy that is pertinent to the matter.
- The relief the Petitioner is requesting.
- Whether the hearing of the Appeal is mandatory or discretionary and, if discretionary, the reason the Petitioner believes a hearing should be granted.
- The petition shall be filed with the CEO or Office of Legal Counsel of the Board, at the Board’s legal situs: 5th Floor Student Union, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. It must be in writing and may be mailed, hand-delivered or delivered by electronic communication. All requests for hearings will be presented by the CEO at the earliest possible regular meeting of the Board. In order for a request for hearing to be considered, it must be received at the Board’s legal situs at least ten (10) days prior to the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting.
- Procedure.
- Requests for hearings shall be referred by the Chair of the Board to a Hearing Panel consisting of one or more Board members for review and recommendation to the full Board. Where a review or an Appeal is discretionary, the Hearing Panel shall first determine whether the request for Board consideration should be granted. The Hearing Panel shall transmit to the full Board its recommendation as to whether the request for Board consideration should be granted or denied.
- Where a review or an Appeal to the Board is mandatory, or the Board determines that a request for Board consideration should be granted, the Hearing Panel shall conduct the review or hearing. All such proceedings shall be conducted upon the record of the matter created at the institutional or administrative level and such other written documentation as may be requested by the Hearing Panel. Oral presentations may or may not be allowed at the discretion of the Hearing Panel. The Hearing Panel shall prepare recommended findings and decisions and shall transmit them to the Board for final action.
Amended Date:
January 20, 2012
June 22, 2018