Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents

Board Review of Personnel Actions for Connors State College, Langston University, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College and Oklahoma Panhandle State University


  1. Prior Board Approval Required

    The following personnel actions shall be included in the Board agenda for approval prior to implementation:
    1. All faculty actions, including terms of appointment, rate change, title change, promotion, sabbatical leave, transfers and corrections, except as immediately set forth below.
      1. Personnel actions involving adjunct faculty are not required to be presented or approved by the Board.
      2. The separation, retirement and death of faculty members are to be presented to the Board as information items only.
    2. All personnel actions concerning presidents, vice presidents, deans, department heads, directors, head coaches or those equivalent in title, including terms of appointment, reappointment, rate change, title change, promotion, transfers and corrections.   

  2.   All other personnel actions do not require prior Board approval and are vested with the President, or appropriate designee, of the respective institution. These positions would include administrative staff whose titles do not appear above, classified staff and adjunct faculty. Any appointment within this exempt status must have been previously approved with the current fiscal year operating budget.

  3. Interim Approval by the CEO
    Periodically, interim approval by the Board's CEO may be necessary. Presidential approval is required before submitting such requests to the CEO. The CEO's interim approval is subject to Board ratification.

  4. Board Reporting
    A listing will be provided to the Executive/Administrative Office of the Board on a quarterly basis of all personnel changes that do not require Board approval.
    A yearly listing of all budgeted positions will be provided at the time the fiscal year budget is approved.
    The quarterly summary of FTE employment provided to the OSRHE will be included in the Board's agenda as an information item.

    Approved Date: 
    March 4, 1994
    Amended Date: 
    June 20, 1997
    January 20, 2012
    June 22, 2018